Yelp Drops

Ivy leaf drops with thyme and licorice; Non-drowsy & Alcohol free , Maintains Respiratory and Bronchial Health; Supports Healthy Mucous Membranes Effective for Infants and Children


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“A Natural Cough Remedy”

Yelp drop contains ivy leaf extract approved by the German Commission E for use against chronic inflammatory bronchial conditions and productive coughs due to its actions as an expectorant. Yelp drops are ideal for use in young children & infants for productive cough due to its convenience for use. It is also easy to carry and convenient to use for adults on the move.

Ivy leaf extract : 2.0 mg


Children (6 months to 1 year):

7-8 drops 3 times a day.

Children (1 to 5 years):

12-14 drops 3 times a day

For children under the age of 6 months please consult your healthcare practitioner.

“Getting All The Nutrient You Need Cannot Be Done Without Supplementation”

Iron Bisglycinate 

  • It is a chelated and highest absorbable form of iron. 
  • This novel type of iron is gentle on the stomach and does not cause constipation.
  • Provides a safety margin of 125 fold above the provision at maximum tolerable daily intake of other iron salts. 

Vitamin C

  • Vitamin C is vital for both mother and baby. 
  • Promotes a healthy reproductive system in both men and women. 
  • Helps to boost immunity and improves the ability to absorb iron.

Folic Acid

  • Folic acid may protect during pregnancy against depression and birth defects.
  • It reduces neonatal mortalities from Neural Tube Defects(NTDs).
  • It is effective in preventing anemia.


  • Yelp drop supports and strengthens healthy lung function.
  • Yelp drop acts as a bronchodilator, cough suppressant, expectorant, mucolytic and spasmolytic agent.
  • Yelp drop relieves chest congestion, soothes the mucus membrane of bronchial walls and restores normal breathing.
  • Yelp drop acts as an antitussive and has a soothing effect on sore throat.
  • Yelp drop improves breathing by relaxing airways.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ivy leaf extract contains compounds called saponins that act as expectorants that immediately liquefy sticky and thick mucus.

Yes, the dried ivy leaf extract used in this formulation has been already proven by research that is effective for children in bronchial infections.

Yelp drops support healthy and strengthen lung function and improve breathing by relaxing airways.